This is a fantasy about a child who gets to be in charge of everything for a while, and one readers will enter into with pleasure. In this magical tale, a little girl is given a very special birthday gift - a box of magic tricks Author. No conflicts emerge, and Eva's magic doesn't cause any trouble. Katie Cleminson is the author of Otto the Book Bear (4.11 avg rating, 2772 ratings, 322 reviews, published 2011), Magic Box (3.78 avg rating, 400 ratings. Dancing, musical instrument–playing animals and an arc of airborne party food contribute to the dreamlike atmosphere, with random splotches and showers of color serving as a visual embodiment of the magic.

Cleminson uses expressive black brushstrokes to outline her figures, and she adds dimension with gentle gray wash. When it's over, she clicks her fingers and everything disappears (“Well, not quite everything,” the narrator says, as Eva sits primly on Monty's head). Her first wish: “a pet called Monty.” (“Monty turned out to be rather large,” the narrator adds-he's a docile polar bear who sprawls across two pages.) Then she pulls a lot of rabbits out of hats and throws herself a rollicking party.

Youll see books about typical magical subjects. Eva jumps into the cardboard box she's received as a birthday present and-“TA-DAH!”-turns into a “master magician,” complete with wand and cape. Weve compiled this list of 16 enchanting, magical, and adventurous books. She reaches into her magic box and pulls out Monty. Cleminson's debut, while short on narrative momentum, is full of cheer. Magic Box Katie Cleminson 3.76 404 ratings66 reviews Want to read Buy on Amazon Rate this book For Eva, a young girl with a lively imagintation, a seemingly ordinary box becomes a portal to a magical, wonder-filled world.