
Kafka and the shore
Kafka and the shore

kafka and the shore

Kafka's trip follows this line, in a pattern that parallels Oedipus's in a way, although Murakami does not give definite answers regarding the identity of his sister and his mother. The sandstorm here is a metaphor for fate that follows people no matter the choices they make, even if they try hard to avoid it. You change direction but the sandstorm chases you. One of the most discussed derives from the following passage: “Sometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions.

kafka and the shore

They quickly garnered 8,000 submissions, of which Murakami answered 1,200. It is also worth noting at this point that Murakami's Japanese publishers launched a website soliciting clarifying questions about the novel from the public. “The world is a metaphor,” Oshima tells to Kafka at some point, and this metaphoric approach is one of the main elements of the narrative. Hoshino, a truck driver, finds himself going along with Nakata for reasons he can barely understand, as a series of rather unlikely events take place. Eventually, the search of one cat leads to a crime, and him on a path that takes him away from his familiar territory, traveling through Japan. The story picks up on his life at an old age, where the man makes a living through a government subsidy, and also by tracking down lost cats, since he has gained the ability to talk to them. All of them recuperated with the exception of one, Nakata, who had to spend some time in a hospital in Tokyo, before waking up having lost most of his mental abilities. The second axis, in the even numbered chapters, begins in a rather different way, through a series of reports of the US Army Intelligence, which focus on the Rice Bowl Hill Incident in 1944, where a series of children who went for a walk in the woods with their school teacher, fainted all together after seeing an airplane passing by. Kafka manages to find some sort of balance by staying there, but soon the police come questioning after him, regarding a brutal murder. The establishment is run by the distant Miss Saeki, whom soon he finds himself having feelings for after a number of interactions with a ghost of her in the same age as him, and Oshima, a rather well read and intelligent persona, who becomes his mentor, protector and close friend. After a series of adventures, which also involve a girl named Sakura, whom he meets on the train and eventually ends up spending a night at her house, he finds shelter in a quiet, private library in Takamatsu. The odd-number chapters focus on self-named Kafka, a 15-year-old boy who runs away from his father's house to escape a supposed Oedipal curse and in order to find his mother and sister.

kafka and the shore

The story comprises of two axes that intermingle somewhere between the past and the present, although the same does not happen to the two protagonists, who never actually meet.

Kafka and the shore